Maiden Tower

Tears of Lovers
Not far from the city of Lerik in the south of Azerbaijan, among the dense forests of the Talysh Mountains, the stormy river Talysh-chay roars, meandering.

10 best restaurants in Baku
Restaurants in Baku is one of the main topics of interest to the guests of our city.

Attractions in Baku
Ancient Baku, whose age scientists still cannot determine, is a real world gold fund of attractions.

Maiden Tower: origin of the name
Each city has an architectural symbol. This is the Hagia Sophia Mosque in Istanbul, in the capital of Great Britain – London Bridge, and the symbol of Paris, for example, is the Eiffel Tower.

The world jazz crowd took this step with enthusiasm. Such musical celebrities as the German team Werner Kuspert&Colleagues, the trio Gaspara Karoli from Hungary, saxophonist Candy Dalfer from the Netherlands and many other jazz stars

Old City – Inner City
Baku Old Town (also Baku Old City or Inner City) is the biggest historical attraction in Baku. Fortress walls surround the Old Town.