Festivals In Azerbaijan
Azerbaijan's travel industry has been growing rapidly for the past decades and therefore, the country tries to offer new ways of experiencing the culture and history of it to tourists every day. It is clear, that festivals of all sorts give you a chance to deep dive into the uniqueness and peculiarity of any country, not only opening an opportunity to listen and learn, but also engage in the culture through the conversations with locals and observation of the surroundings. For the past years, festivals in Azerbaijan have taken a large niche in the country's culture. Nowadays, you can find and indulge in any type of festivals in the capital or outside of it, from musical to food ones. From those, that uphold and raise awareness about the cultural life and events such as Novruz festival, Pomegranate festival or Traditional Carpets Weaving Festival to those, where you are offered an opportunity to just kick back and relax, such as jazz festival, rock festival or anime festivals.
Today we will give you an ultimate guide to the festivals that are taking place in Azerbaijan in 2024, talk about the pricings, schedule and everything else you might be interested in. Our topics are:
1. Goychay Pomegranate Festival
2. Baku International Jazz Festival
3. ANIMAFILM International Animation Festival
1. Goychay Pomegranate Festival

Pomegranates has taken their place as one of the most distinctive symbols of Azerbaijan. There are numerous legends regarding the symbolic meaning pomegranates are carrying, such as being a metaphor for abundance, prosperity, and good fortune. The outstanding climate of Azerbaijan allows every possible variety of pomegranates grow and flourish on its territories, counting up to 500 pomegranate varieties, each with its unique flavor, aroma, and characteristics, such as Bala Mursal, Azerbaijani Guloysha, Shandi. Goychay, on the other hand, appears to be the heart of the pomegranate culture. First mentions of pomegranate cultivation dates back centuries, with evidence suggesting its presence as early as the 3rd millennium BC.
So, the annual festival dedicated to cherishing these fruits, the cultural significance and importance, their culinary versatility is held in the Goychay every autumn. The pomegranate season in Azerbaijan officially starts around late October, therefore usually The Pomegranate Festival takes place around the same time, lasting up to 14 days. The first festival was held in the October 2006 and happened to be such a great success that the event quickly became culturally iconic for Azerbaijan.
During those days, tourists are allowed to try out different varieties of "the royalty of fruits", ask the farmers about their experiences growing such delicate and delicious pomegranates, participate in fun activities-competitions, enjoy traditional music as well as indulging in the culture and legends surrounding this event.
2. Baku International Jazz Festival
Launched in 2005, it has been held annually every year, celebrating the jazz culture in Azerbaijan and all around the world. This international festival in Baku has different types of activities, but constantly consists of concerts from world-wide famous jazzmen’s such as Laura Põldvere, Uwe Steinmetz and etc. They travel all the way to Azerbaijan from 14 different European countries every year.

The Jazz Festival also holds master-classes, competitions where the younger generations of artists can have their minute of fame and seminars, where the important information regarding the music genre is shared by famous musicians. Usually, it is held during the autumn season, more specifically in October. Its artistic director is one of the most legendary jazzmen’s of modern Azerbaijan, Rain Sultanov.
Here, in the Facebook Group, you can check out the most recent information regarding the Baku International Jazz Festival: https://www.facebook.com/bakujazzfest
3. ANIMAFILM International Animation Festival

The first ever ANIMAFILM festival took place in 2017, organized by the official Azerbaijan Animation Association. Each year the director of this event chooses a donation center to which the money from ticket sales will be sent to, for example, in 2023 the money were donated to supporting local women artists and directors.
The event is usually held in September and consists of three steps in its program: competition, non-competition and professional. First one helps and upholds new artists, giving them the opportunity to submit their artworks and get selected by international jury. Second act shows the best animated works of the past years as well as those, who were featured on “Made for Women by Women” and were nominated for Oscar.
The last part is all about helping the younger generation of artists: a number of master-classes, meetings and workshops are held by the big names of animation industry, that will share their personal experiences with the new people, who wish to explore this area of interest.
You can watch out for the new information regarding the festival in 2024 on their website: https://anima.az/fealiyyet/animafilm-beynelxalq-animasiya-festivali/
4.Gabala Music Festival

Gabala Music Festival is one of the hugest events in the year-to-year life of Azerbaijani people. Ever since 2009th, thousands of Azerbaijani people and tourists all over the world travel to Gabala to participate in the number of activities it offers. What sets this one apart from those mentioned before, it usually lasts for about 2 weeks at the end of summer, with each day offering new experiences with unique talented artist from 15 different countries all around the world. Each of those artists offer an interesting perspective on the genre they’re working on, from jazz to classical music or even mugham.
Most part of this festival also takes place right outside, under the stars, only sometimes moving to the concert halls, which adds to the inevitable charm this even brings to the already breathing in the wake of summer Gabala.
5. Grape and Wine Festival

This festival can be considered pretty recent, compared to the ones we discussed earlier in this article, the first launch happening in 2019, but it is no less important for the development of the country’s culture. It is a three-day festival that not only puts on the display the fast-developing industry of wine making but showcases the beauty of the region. Usually held in Shamakha district, it offers the ability to test out different types of wines, buy those you enjoyed the most for a reasonable price, indulge in masterclasses on grape collecting and wine-making. It is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to explore this specific side of Azerbaijan you’ll certainly enjoy for the longest time.
6. Dreamfest 2024 Baku

Now, the last but certainly not the least: The DreamFest. The open-air five day long festival in the best traditions of all famous modern music festivals with guests invented from all over the Europe, Russia, Turkey and Georgia. It will take place in the biggest and most popular resort in Azerbaijan, The Sea Breeze Resort, situated not far from the capital itself. The main stages will be situated nearby the sea cost, granting not only a good time with the best of music, but a gorgeous view as well.
They are 5 types of tickets to that festival, each offering a different set of advantages: Standard, Gold, Platinum Premium, VIP Premium and VIP Standard. You can check out iticket website for more information and buy your tickets to grandiose event of the summer.
Here, you have the quick recap of every big festival, taking place in the beautiful Land of fire in 2024. Festivals in Azerbaijan not only offer a new point of view to look at the cultural and historical development of the country, but also let you have fun and enjoy your time as a tourist. Our company’s main goal is to create a fun and joyful experience to all the travelers, who want to have the best experience with Azerbaijan, so we can also suggesting joining on our tours, such as tours around Baku to regions, such as Gabala, which we mentioned before, or Sheki.
Tags: Baku , Azerbaijan , International mugham festival , BAKU JAZZ FEST , Pomegranate Festival