Nohur Lake In Gabala
Azerbaijanis a rich country, that has both cultural impacts, historically important monuments and, of course, unimaginable beauty of its landscapes. In international tourism, the landscapes of the country can be as important, if not more, as the monuments made by a human hand. And, in that regard, Azerbaijan will not disappoint as it has everything a tourist can dream of when it comes to beautiful views. Fast mountain rivers flowing between steep slopes of The Greater Caucasus, blooming flower fields and alpine meadows, Caspian sea's untamed waves crashing down on the sandy shore and unique places, as mud volcanoes in Absheron. Out of all of them, Nohur Lake surely stands out for its beauty.
Situated among the picturesque mountains that are covered in rich lush greenery of forests, it reflects on everything around as if it works as a mirror to the hills of the Greater Caucasus. Nohur Lake is a hidden gem of Gabala district, only 3 kilometers away from the region's capital, the beautiful and culturally blessed city of Gabala. One of the most fascinating traits of Nohur Lake is the peaceful aura, surrounding its clear calm waters at all times. It brings calm to every visitor, seemingly untouched by human hand or, even more so, any sort of technologies.

Hidden deep in-between the mountain slopes, the landscapes around the lake seem to be perfect for a getaway, no matter if it is for a summer vacation to bask in fresh cool air, clear calm waters and rays of sunshine dancing on your skin or for a winter break, when every spot on the ground seems to be covered in a fairytale-like white snow blanket and the water gets layered with the thick coat of ice, that reaches over 40-50 centimeters.
Regretfully, you are not allowed to go for a swim in the waters of the Nohur Lake, but there are many activities that you are capable of partaking in, such as fishing, which seems to be a very popular way to spend their time nearby the lake for a lot of locals and tourists, who travel there for that reason specifically. There are also boats, that can take anyone on a pleasant stroll around the lake and show you the landscapes from a different, maybe even more enchanting, point of the view. Another thing is locals bringing their horses, that are friendly and not only pose for the beautiful pictures, but also invite you for a ride on their backs around the mesmerizing landscapes.

In case someone gets hungry from the outdoor activities you can take on nearby the Nohur Lake, there are few cafes and restaurants, that not only offer a wide range of the dishes beloved by the whole world, but also suggest options from Azerbaijani culture, that will leave you stunned and wanting to take another bite. After the beautifully cooked meal, you are being served a tea in national glasses, called armudu, all while starring out the breath-taking views just outside the window.
All in all, we can say that the biggest win about visiting the Gabala district and the Nohur lake in specific is the sense of peacefulness washing over you as you take a stroll along the lake’s shore. Its clear waters, charming friendly people and nice weather seems to captivate anyone’s heart the moment they step foot on these gorgeous lands. Not only that, but Gabala district is also quite well known for the rich cultural impact it has on the Azerbaijan in general, being one of the most gifted in all senses regions. We think, that without visiting this district and learning as much about the culture and history as possible, any journey to Azerbaijan would be incomplete.
Azerbaijan Travel International suggest to take the weight of planning and worrying about details off your shoulders, letting us take over the hard job of organizing the trips to the spots you dream of visiting and just enjoy your time on vacation with your family, loved ones or all alone. Join us on our Shamakha-Gabala tour and visit the Nohur Lake with so many other interesting tourist spots as well. Learn and enjoy with ATI Travel!
Tags: Gabala , Azerbaijan , culture , Azerbaijan Nature , Shamakhi , Nohur gyol
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