Seven Beauties Waterfalls
Beautiful landscape is an attraction in itself. There are millions and millions of tourists travelling all around the world each day, and each person has their own field of interests and mind of their own, therefore it's only natural for them to prefer one over the other when it comes to tourism. While some seek historical meaning, architectural beauty and cultural fulfillness, others much prefer going around to visit mountains, lakes and waterfalls, which seems to be purely based on preferences. But what's fascinating about the lands of Azerbaijan is the entirety of it is full of opposites: skyscrapers standing tall right next to the beautiful architectural monuments, that has been built by some talented people centuries and centuries ago; the well-adjusted, highly progressive cities being mere kilometers apart from the nature so pure it seems left unscathed by a human hand. One of the obvious examples for that is The Seven Beauties waterfalls - a complex of seven waterfalls, that has been running wild barely 15 kilometers away from Gabala.
Gabala, in itself, is a very important and interesting spot, that, in our opinion, should be paid a visit to, but the topic we will be discussing today has very little to do with this beautiful city. The Seven Beauties are far closer to the village, that is located just nearby Gabala and is also widely considered a tourist attraction, Vandam. From there you take upon a short but, nonetheless, quite eventful trip with gorgeous sites hiding in every corner. Upon reaching the waterfalls, people are meant to take on a hiking journey, that will guide them up a mountain. There are stairs to climb up until the fourth waterfall you'll come across, but even with stairs it is in no way an easy hike.

It takes a lot of time and efforts to climb to, at least, the fourth level. Not every person is capable of doing that. Going even further up the mountain is even more effort-consuming decision, but admittedly, the scenery opening in front of those who decide to visit the Seven Beauties waterfalls might be worth every bit of the effort they put in and every second it took to climb there. There are also few cafes along the road where you can stop to rest and take a break, that serves both tea and food on terraces with breathtaking views.
And what a view that is! The pure, untouched nature with the slight pleasant breeze hitting your skin. Waterfalls cascading down the hills with birds singing their complicated fascinating harmonies up above your heads, lost somewhere in-between thick greenery of the forest. Every tree in these woods have a history of its own, they have been growing for decades and centuries now, intertwining with both their roots and their branches, almost fully blocking the light of the day. Every spot you land your eyes on blooming, bursting with colors and life. At this exact moment, in these exact surroundings it would be so easy to forget and let go of your problems for a few moments, and just enjoy the natural flow of life.
Road back down is also a fascinating one, as the understanding hits of how a big of an accomplishment such hike can be for an untrained person. Seven Beauties waterfalls are a majestic showcase of all the natural treasures Azerbaijan’s nature hides away, and to be completely fair, it is one of the most breath-taking places you might come across. We highly recommend going on our Shamakhi–Gabala Tour, that will not only pave the way through time and space for you, acknowledging the history behind two of the richest culturally cities of the country, but also uncover the beauty of Azerbaijan's landscapes, such as this complex of waterfalls.
Azerbaijan Travel International, as a responsible and professional company, not only assure you of pleasant views, but also make sure your journey consists of comfortable travelling conditions, delicious traditional food and a well-educated guide who will tell you interesting stories, legends and historical facts about the place you'll be visiting and make sure, that by the end of the trip you don't have any more questions regarding these specific regions and the culture of Azerbaijan in general.
Tags: Gabala , group tour , Azerbaijan , Vandam , Tourism
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